2003 Catalina 350

Customer: Ken & Christine Burkimsher

As we lay in bed listening to the rain fall against the hull of our 2003 Catalina 350, we have realized a dream. For that, we’re forever grateful to Jose [Torres] and the team at Massey Yacht Sales.

We knew that buying our first sailboat was going to be a process, not unlike buying a home. What we didn’t know, was that during the process Jose would become a friend. From multiple viewings, Florida heat and humidity, and even one unsuccessful marine survey, you assured us that our boat was out there.

As Canadians, buying a sailboat in the United States, you made the process accessible and fun. Even when navigating banks and wire transfers, you kept us calm and enabled us to enjoy the process.

We look forward to many sunrises and sunsets aboard our Catalina. You and the team at Massey have made us feel like we’re home in Florida.

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